

This feature detects, prevents, and takes action to disarm or remove malicious programs, such as viruses and worms.

Sim change Alert

If registered SIM card is changed, Mobile will send the SMS alerts to recipients(Alternate mobile numbers) mentioned in the application at the time of registration.

Mobile Data Backup

Your data is precious,You can take back up of Audio, SMS, Contacts, images filesand videos on cloud server.

Data Restore on Mobile

You can restore your data from cloud server on your mobile as and when required

Locate Your Lost mobile

User can send ‘Track’ SMS to get your mobile’s current location.

Retrieve Call logs

By sending ‘calllog’ you can get last 5 calls each for out going, incoming and missed calls via SMS.

Read Incoming SMS

You get a copy of all new incoming SMS’s by sending ‘CC’ to registered phone with Mobisecurity installed.

Lock Your Mobile

You can lock your phone by sending ‘Lock’ SMS to your phone or from your web account.

Play Siren

Siren is vital when your phone is misplaced. ‘Siren’ command blows the Siren and also locks the registered phone.

Wipe Your Personal Data

In case you have lost your phone, your personal data can be in wrong hands. You can send ‘Wipeall’ SMS to your phone to delete all your Contacts, SMS’s, images, audioand video files from your mobile.

Uninstall Protection

You can activate this feature to avoid unauthorised uninstallation / deletion of application from your phone.

Web Management

You can view your uploaded data online with valid login and password.You can send the commands such as “block”, “wipe”, “siren”, ”getlog” and “Find” to execute the purpose.